I want to be a role model.

The JR CT program is an eight-week professional training program in which campers prepare for leadership at Alford Lake Camp and the greater world.

The program includes Red Cross Standard First Aid and CPR, Red Cross Lifeguard Training, advanced wilderness skills (including an extended wilderness trip), planning special projects (4th of July, campfires), learning camp philosophy, understanding child development (observing through tent coverage), community leadership (song leading, delivering mail, serving meals), and self awareness (journaling, belief statements).

This program is both physically and mentally challenging. It is meant for our past campers to fully embrace what it takes to be a leader in a community such as ALC. Getting to know and understand more about themselves in order to make good strong decisions for themselves. Junior CTs should be prepared to work hard and reap the benefits!

Hard work is balanced with time spent with fellow CTs, developing and strengthening friendships, laughing, enjoying time off together, and becoming a tight-knit group. The friendships formed and skills gained have made it one of the hallmarks of the Alford Lake Camp Experience. Many of the young women who have completed this training program look back upon it as a one of their most life-changing summers.

SR CTs are completing 11th or 12th grade. By invitation only, this is a paid apprentice teaching internship with emphasis on assisting in two camp activities throughout the summer.