I want to teach.
I want to learn.
I want to laugh and sing.
I want to have fun.
Tent Counselors are the heart and soul of camp life for campers. Each tent counselor lives in a tent with a group of campers who are all close in age. Tent groups become a camp family, and tent counselors have the responsibility of creating an atmosphere of warmth, fun and trust. They also oversee the daily care of their campers - guiding them in their decision-making for activity choices, helping them understand their responsibilities within the tent group, and providing them with the support to accept challenges in activities throughout camp. All tent counselors are also Activity Counselors.

7:30 - Reveille
Wake campers, accompany your campers to the Farmhouse for breakfast
8:00 - Breakfast
Sit at your assigned table and help serve food, supervise dining room.
9:00 - Supervise clean up of your tent
9:30-12:05 - Teach activities
12:10 - Lunch
Sit with campers outside and supervise buffet and clean up.

1:00 - Tent Time
Counselors return to their tents with their campers for some quiet time together.
1:45-5:15 - Teach activities
5:20 - Tent time and mail delivery
6:00 - Dinner
Sit at your assigned table and help serve food, supervise the dining room.
7:30 - Evening Activity. Some of the counselors are “on-duty” for evening activity which may mean helping to plan, announce, and supervise the activity. The counselors
who are “on-duty” after taps are “off-duty”
for evening activity.
8:45 - Taps
All tent counselors return to their tents to spend some quality time with their campers at the end of the day. Reading stories, sharing a tent journal, counselors stay in the tent until the campers are settled. Counselors who are on-duty after taps sit outside a group of tents and make sure campers stay quiet and get to sleep at the appropriate time.
ALL tent counselors sleep in their tents each night, ready to help their campers in any way needed.